"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


In the Office

King's Birthday Celebration

Shared morning tea celebrations are well embedded into our office culture here at A4. We love occasions that deserve special attention and what better way to celebrate the King's Birthday than with tea, sweets and sausage rolls! Thank you to our social club for the regal morning tea, fit for a King (and of course an office full of accounting professionals and administrators). 

Fielday's Friday

We've said it before and we'll say it again, any excuse for a dress up around here! We had lots of fun bringing the farm vibe to the office to get amongst the rural theme of the Fieldays! 

Farewell Chris D

Earlier in July, we said farewell to Chris D after 7 years as part of the A4 team. Chris has embarked on a new professional journey, in a role located closer to home. All the best in your new role Chris. Your cheeky sense of humor will be missed in the back corner of the office!

Matariki Celebration

After a lovely long weekend celebrating Matariki with our friends and families, it was time to celebrate with the office family! Tammy organised an awesome colouring in competition for all of the children to get involved with and our awesome social club (special mention to our in-house Hangi-master David) organised this amazing spread for lunch. Safe to say, Matariki was well celebrated! 

Farewell Ben

Exciting times ahead for Ben as he heads off to the UK on an OE, with a few stops along the way! Safe travels Ben, enjoy your time overseas, you will be very missed in the office!

Congrats Sam!

Congratulations to Sam, Steve and Aubrie who welcomed Eden Rose into their family at 11.08pm on the 2nd June. We have been lucky enough in the office to have had lots of cuddles with Eden already! 

Congratulations Chris

Congratulations to Chris and Craig Stevenson who are grandparents again! Isla Gene Stevenson was born on the 23rd July in America. The new family of 3 are doing really well and Chris & Craig are looking forward to visiting later in the year. 

Welcome Raya

We are excited to announce that we have another valuable addition to our accounting team, Raya, our new Junior-Intermediate Accountant!

We are thrilled to welcome Raya onboard and keep an eye on our socials to learn a bit more about our newest member in the coming weeks!