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Xerocon 2023

Xero sure know how to put on a show and throw a party and that's exactly what they did back in August for XEROCON Sydney 2023! There was a big focus on AI and well-bee-ing, you'll get that part once you see one of the photos below! A team of 8 from our office made their way across the ditch and these are a few takeaways they bought back. 

Prepare for the Future
AI is all around us and has been for a long time, (think Google searches, facial recognition in photos and predictive text). It is now being bought out of the shadows and we are seeing it used more and more in our day to day lives (Chat GPT, Alexa in our homes, automated bank reconciliation). A huge message at Xerocon was 'don't be afraid of AI, just go with it'. Take what you want from AI in small doses and build and learn from there, you might just grow to like it. 

Reminder: Embrace Technology, while remaining vigilant with your business security systems at all times.

Best Performance
We all have an A-Game and a B-Game.
Our A-Game is us at our best, operating with our key strengths and everything that we can control, at the front of our minds. When you are brining your A-Game, you'll know it, you are on fire, smashing goals, getting through tasks and feeling great! 

Our B-Game is the other side of the coin, our sub-optimal performances that result from everything around us that is out of our control. A feeling you'll also know, where everything goes wrong and you just feel a bit 'blah'. 

The good news is, if you recognise that you are in your B-Game, the loop is easy to get out of. 
- Catch the B-Game - Know when it is happening.
- Stop & Accept - Take a breath and accept that it is what it is right now, and that's OK. Not everything HAS to be positive all the time!
- What CAN you do now - Focus on what is inside of your control that can help make things better in that moment, how can I bring my A-Game back into play.
- Motion changes Emotion - Emotion is energy in motion, move your mood, step outside and take some deep breaths and you will notice yourself slowly feeling better and you'll be ready to move back into that A-Game in no time. 

Manage your Mindfulness to build resilience 
Whether we like it or not stress is a constant in todays time-driven society. We can manage this with a simple shift ion our mindsets from managing our time, to managing our stress and energy.

SWAP                           FOR
Time Management          Energy Management
Avoiding Stress              Seeking Resilience to stress
Life is a Marathon          Life is a Series of Sprints
Career                            Calling
Connectivity                   Connection

A few changes to the way we think can make ALL the difference, give it a try!

Martyn on Stage at Xerocon

There were many talented keynote speakers on stage throughout the two day event and we were very proud to see one of our own up there as Director Martyn Steffert took the stage in a breakout session on how to supercharge your workflows with Xero's Practice Tools. Martyn spoke wonderfully on this topic and had great feedback from peers at the wrap party afterwards! Great work Martyn!


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