"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


IRD Systems Shutdown Over Labour Weekend

IRD is upgrading their operating systems over Labour weekend, which means some of their services will be unavailable.

IRD will start 3pm Friday 20 October 2023 and end 8am Tuesday 24 October 2023.

You will not be able to call IRD from 3pm. IRD offices close at 3.30pm and IRD online services (including our myIR and Gateway Services) will be offline from 4pm.

You can still view the IRD website during this time and make payments through your bank.

Changes to myIR
This update means there will be changes in myIR.

·         If your myIR is accessed by a different device or from a different web browser, IRD will send an email to the address IRD have for you.

·         You will have the option to pay by either direct debit, or credit or debit card when filing a return.

·         Successful credit or debit card payments will show a payment confirmation screen in myIR.

·         A 'Pending submission' banner will show when a return amendment submission has been made and is waiting to be processed.

Drafts in myIR
As part of the IRD update, saved drafts in myIR will be deleted. This includes draft returns and secure mail. You will need to submit these before 4pm Friday 20th October.

Return filing
Any returns that are due on or over the shutdown can be filed early. If you cannot file, the days during the temporary shutdown will not count as working days for filing.

You can complete filing up to 4pm on Friday 20 October and start again from 8am on Tuesday 24 October.

You can file GST returns early so that credits can be released where possible.

IRD will pay Working for Families and paid parental leave their usual day.
Child support payments IRD get before 4pm Friday 20 October will be in the receiving carer's account on Tuesday 24 October. Any payments we get after 4pm Friday 20 October will be in the receiving carer's account on Wednesday 25 October.

Payments over the phone
Our self-service option to pay over the phone will be unavailable until 27 November 2023 because IRD are upgrading our technology. You can still pay using our other payment channels.

Reference: https://www.ird.govt.nz/updates/news-folder/2023/systems-shutdown-over-labour-weekend