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Livestock Herd Scheme 2014

Dairy Cattle

Following the drop in values after the widespread2012/2013 drought we have seen an increase in values once again in the 2014 NationalAverage Market Values (Herd Scheme Values). Mixed age Friesian cows have increasedby 4.8% to $1,963 and mixed age Jersey cows by 9.5% to $1,782. Following last year’s significant drop in rising oneyear heifers we have seen a modest increase this year - with Friesian R1  heifers increasing by 6.1% to $946.

Beef Cattle

Following last year’s drop in value we have seen anincrease in values again this year - almost back to where theywere in 2012. The value for a mixed age beef cow has increased from $872 per headto $986 (13% increase) with rising one year heifers increasing from $456 to $506 (11%increase) per head.


As with other categories of livestock, we have seengood  increases in sheep values as demand increases following the  selling off of capital livestock during the 2012/2013 drought. Two tooth ewes have increased by 8.3% to $131 per head and mixed age ewes by 15.7% to $118 per head.


Careful consideration needs to be given to yourlivestock election choices. Even though changes were made to the Herd Scheme inrecent years, there is still flexibility around  how to value increases in numbers - if you increase your numbers during the year you are able to choose an  alternative valuation option to value that increaseAs the decision is clearly one that should be made ona case by case basis,  call us to discuss your valuation  options with you on review of your 2014 financial  statements and taxation returns.