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Business Advisory team update: Plan For Success by Jon Broadley

As we head towards spring – a time of new growth and opportunity, it is timely toassess how we are performing as a ‘business’. By now you should have areasonable feel how the business fared over the past financial year so arethere particular areas that you should be planning on improving toenhance your overallbusiness performance?

It has been said that "If weare failing to plan are we planning to fail?" The Spring businessresolution should be that we must take more control of the things we cancontrol. St Francis of Assisi's Serenity Prayer sums up the dilemma "Lord,grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage tochange the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." In 2014 itis difficult to influence global impacts, such as fuel price increases, on ourmarket but we can influence local markets such as how we position, promote andprice our products. By planning how we are going to retain our currentcustomers and how we are going to target new customers, we are seizing theinitiative rather than letting fate 'steer the ship.' Consider this story:

Athief was caught after stealing some paintings from the Louvre in Paris, whenhis getaway van ran out of fuel. Given bail at his first hearing, a reporterasked him on the steps of the courthouse how he forgot such a vital part of hisplan. "Simple," said the thief, "I had no Monet for Degas tomake the Van Gogh!!“

Corny I know but the moral of thisstory is of course the 6 x Ps - 'Prior planning prevents petroleum poorperformance!' Again please think about your business future inthis way.

We can help with your Planning -Strategic, Business and Succession. Please contact me or any of the Team hereat accounted4 to discuss how we can work together to spring your businessforward.


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