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Business Advisory team update

Sustaining a Wonderful Lifestyle

by Jon Broadley

Achieving a balanced lifestyle given competing work, family and social commitments is challenging for us all. Constant change in all of these environments is draining but one must always put things into perspective. We live in a great country with great opportunities for ourselves, our families and our businesses so sustaining that for our future and the future of our children and their children is all important.

Sustainability, the theme of this newsletter, relies on a balanced achievement of social, economic and environmental goals. In 1994 John Elkington, writer and activist coined this as the 'triple bottom line' where organisations measure their performance in the people, profits and planet impact areas. In terms of people, business owners need to monitor staff turnover, pay fair remuneration, maintain a safe working environment and tolerable working hours and provide opportunities for the Team to have some fun. High morale contributes significantly to overcoming the challenging times in business. With the planet, good businesses minimise their environmental impacts. Re-cycling, careful management of resources such as energy and water and safe and sensible disposal of harmful by-products is not only good environmental sense but also good for business. Today's generation are keen to either work for or purchase from 'planet-friendly' organisations. Being efficient and effective in the use of your people, plant and processes is also great for your bottom line profits. These can be measured not only in dollar terms but the wider economic benefit to family, staff, suppliers, customers and other parts of society that your business sponsors.

Please ask yourself whether you are doing your bit to help sustain the wonderful lifestyle we are lucky to have here in NZ and feel free to give us a call here at Accounted4 if you think we can help you improve your triple bottom line.

All the best with your Business.


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