"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


Creating A Passionate Work Culture

Company culture is a term for the way an organisation behaves collectively. A culture is based on the shared attitudes, customs, visions, beliefs, habits, written and unwritten rules, and the values that affect team interaction.

Company culture can change as the company grows and business increases. Check in regularly on your company culture and ensure it remains positive. Display your values in a prominent area where all staff can see them and allow them to contribute their thoughts and ideas.

Establish a culture that makes you proud of what you've created:

Hire the right people - start with passion and commitment when hiring and take the time to hire enthusiastic staff

Communicate - a poor company culture can undermine your business success and what you're trying to achieve, so regularly check in with your staff at team meetings and discuss what is going well and what isn't. Remember to listen

Work hard and play hard - remember to reward your staff and they will be more willing and productive

Shoot for the stars - make your goals big, encourage your staff to verbalise their individual goals at team meetings

Embrace difference - different ethnic cultures and demographics encourage a diverse and passionate working culture

In building a company culture, you create trust and respect and a safe working environment for your employees. This allows your team to focus on prioritizing to achieve great results and in turn, you will have happy and positive employees.

'Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.' Japanese proverb

Business Forward #61