"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


In the Office

New Team Member - Marko Molnar

We are pleased to announce another new member to our team; Marko Molnar. Marko joins us as an Accounts Analyst – he has a Bachelor of Management Studies Degree and is aiming to become a Chartered Accountant.

We farewell - Raewyn Price

We are sad to announce that we will be saying farewell to Raewyn Price on the 26 August. Raewyn will be joining her husband in the real estate business. We wish her all the best.

New Team Member - Christine De Ath

We are pleased to announce that Christine will be joining our team at A4 on Monday 29 August. Christine comes to us from another CA practice in the Waikato and we look forward to gaining her wealth of knowledge.

An update to our Phone System

We have made an improvement to our phone system and now offer the service that if at any time you would like to be redirected back to reception please push 0.

Text Message Service

We also offer a text service for our clients. This service allows us to send an email and it arrive as a text to your phone. If you would prefer to be contacted this way please let us know.