"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


Business Advisory Update

Good to Great - taking your business to the next level

Accounted4, in association with

Phil Wicks of Thexton Armstrong Wicks 'business success programme'

Are pleased to host a business workshop:

'Good to Great' - Taking your business to the next level

This interactive, no-nonsense workshop for SMEs will cover those key fundamentals that make businesses more successful, more profitable and more valuable
The important strategic elements of a business that create a solid foundation
for business success in any industry

•Building a Business Vision – Your road map to success
•Building a Business Strategy – Find your most profitable customers – and keep them
•Culture People and Leadership – How to develop your business structure to earn more and work less!!
•Reducing Stress Tuesday

11 October, 9am – 12pm (morning tea provided)

Resthaven Village Centre, 4 Vogel Street Cambridge

Cost: $100 (plus GST) and 2nd person attends FREE Register by 7 October, 07 827 5192, events@accounted4.co.nz