"Accounted4 always go above and beyond, cannot fault their service"


In the Office

We farewell Paula Kilgour and Sonia Treblico

Unfortunately we say farewell to Paula Kilgour, our receptionist, who is relocating to Taupo, and Sonia Treblico, a member of our Accounting Team. We wish you both all the best.

New Staff Member - Ben Calvert

In the New Year we welcome Ben Calvert into the Accounting Team. The surname may sound familiar to you and you would be right in thinking that Ben is Grant Calvert's Son. Ben will be part of David Faville's team and mentored by our Senior Accounting Manager, Geoff Hurst.

Oxfam Trailwalker 2017 - 100km Event

Alex Davey, one of our Client Services Assistants is preparing to participate in the Oxfam 100km walk in March next year. Teams of four walk together to cover 100km in 36 hours – prepare for blisters! If you would like to donate and help reduce poverty, check their team page out - every little bit helps!


Congratulations - Chris Stevenson

We would like to congratulate our Business Manager, Chris Stevenson on her son's Wedding Day. Daniel and Amber tied the knot on the 22nd October in Connecticut!

Get to Know: Natasha Richards

Natasha started at Accounted4 in July last year and is part of Grant's team. She has just completed the final semester for her Bachelor of Business studies at Wintec and is now a full time member of the A4 team.

In her spare time Natasha is a keen runner, and is often out pounding the pavement at lunch times. She recently completed the Auckland Marathon with her boyfriend to raise awareness for mental health and together they managed to fundraise over $3,000 for the Mental Health foundation.

Go Tash!


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