"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


Introduction to new Team Members

We welcomed three new people to our team in the first few weeks of 2017;

Steff McNamara is our new 'Face of the Company' and sits proudly in the receptionist position at our front desk. Steff has a very bubbly friendly personality and has fitted into our team like a glove.

Amanda James joined our Support Services Team as a Client Services Assistant and will also assist Steff on reception. Amanda comes to us from Te Awamutu Medical Centre and we are delighted to have her in our team.

Ben Calvert joined our Accounting Team as a graduate from Massey University having completed his Bachelor of Business Studies Majoring in Accounting and Finance. Ben is the son of our Director Grant Calvert and it is great to have him in our team and eager to follow in his fathers footsteps!
Steff McNamara
Steff McNamara

Ben Calvert & Amanda James
Ben Calvert & Amanda James