"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


In the Office

New Staff Member

We would like to welcome Genevra back to the A4 team. Some of you may recognise Genevra as a previous team member. Genevra and her family are moving back to the Waikato from Alexandra where they moved 2 years ago. Genevra will be re-joining Grant Calvert's team.

Staff working towards their Chartered Accountancy

We are proud to let you know that we currently have 3 staff members working towards gaining their Chartered Accountancy. Katie Jones, Tee Weenink and Ben Calvert. We wish them all the best for their studies.

Blue September Breakfast

This year for Blue September we hosted a Blue Breakfast at Rouge. Our goal was to spread the word about the importance of getting checked for prostate cancer and help raise some much needed funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ.

Get to Know: Marko Molnar

An everyday commuter from Hamilton, Marko started at A4 in June 2016 and just recently celebrated his one year anniversary with the Accounted 4 team. Marko currently works for Martyn in his accounting team. He has learnt a lot in his first year under the tutelage of Martyn and Katie and continues to learn something new every day.

Marko is originally from the former Yugoslavia but has somehow ended up all the way on the other side of the world here in our office in Cambridge. Prior to A4, Marko was as student at the University of Waikato studying a Bachelor of Management Studies with a Major in accounting.

He also held down odd jobs while in school, including everything from being a paper delivery boy to working in a lab. Outside of work, Marko is into his sports, most specificallybasketball and is the resident movie buff in the office and you may catch him most weeks at your local theatre. He has also recently started reading the Jack Reacher books.