"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


In the Office

Farewell Kathryn Leong

We are sad to farewell Kathryn Leong from our team. Kathryn is one of our Payroll/Taxation Administrators. We wish Kathryn all the best in her future endeavors - you will be missed!

Martyn Steffert celebrates 15 years at Accounted4

Martyn Steffert celebrated his 15 year anniversary with the firm on the 17th May. Martyn is one of our Directors and to quote himself "part of the furniture".

Pink Ribbon Breakfast

On May 28th we had our annual Pink Ribbon Breakfast at Robert Harris - thank you to our social club for organising this. Pink Ribbon Breakfast proceeds go towards the fight against Breast Cancer.