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Payroll Team Update

Sick Leave
It’s that time of the year again when winter bugs can hammer a small business’s productivity! It pays to help your staff stay healthy. Encourage your team members to stay home when they are sick; encourage good health habits – drinking plenty of water, washing your hands regularly, keeping fit, eating well and getting outside will all help.
Most employees get five paid days of sick leave per year to care for themselves or their dependants after 6 months continuous employment. Check out this link for details on entitlements and payments:

Leave without pay reminders
An employee can take leave without pay if their employer agrees and here are some reminders:
  • The agreement to allow leave without pay should be recorded in writing
  • Watch out if they take leave of more than one week – you need to agree on the impact on their anniversary date
  • Implications on Public Holidays, bereavement leave, alternative holidays and sick leave during leave without pay

Check out: https://www.employment.govt.nz/leave-and-holidays/other-types-of-leave/leave-without-pay/

Kilometre Rate for business use of vehicles
The IR Commissioner recently confirmed the rates for calculating the kilometre rates for using your vehicle for business purposes. The two tier rates start at 79c per kilometre for the business portion of the first 14,000 kilometres travelled by the vehicle in a year and can be used when reimbursing an employee. For full details check out:

Parental Leave
On 1st July 2019 the maximum weekly rate of parental leave payments increased to $585.80 per week before tax. From 1st July 2020 paid parental leave will increase to 26 weeks from 22 weeks.

The Accounted4 Payroll team have been using iPayroll since 2014. iPayroll was established in 2001 and is New Zealand’s leading provider of cloud-based payroll solutions, and the largest independent PAYE intermediary – no more PAYE returns to file or 20th of the month payments to make!

SPECIAL PRICING PROMOTION – our clients are eligible for their special pricing promotion from 1 August until 16 October for small employers – FREE SET UP – waiving the $75 per organisation and $10 per employee set up fees. For further details please contact the Accounted4 Payroll team.

Check out iPayroll https://www.ipayroll.co.nz/

Payroll Team at Accounted4

Anne Bland - Extension 831 - anne.b@accounted4.co.nz

Carolyn Lawrence - Extension 837 - carolyn.l@accounted4.co.nz