"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


In the Community


As an alternative to client gifts this year we have made donations to the Salvation Army and the NZME Special Children's Christmas Party. Thank you to our wonderful clients who have allowed us to make this donation. Here at A4 we think this is a great way to spread some Christmas cheer to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Cambridge High School Prizegiving Awards

Accounted4 sponsored several prizes for students first in their class at the 2019 Senior Prizegiving at Cambridge High School. Congratulations to all the winners and a special mention to these students who won the Accounted4 prizes:

First in Year 11 Accounting - Connor Horn

First in Year 11 Business Studies - Jessica Upston

First in Year 12 Accounting and Mathematics - Abigail Swanepoel

First in Year 13 Physics - Liam Petrie