"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


In the Office

Congratulations to our new CA's

On the 12th November 2020 our new Graduates joined in on the first ever online CA graduation ceremony. They celebrated with their partners and some of the A4 Team at Onyx Cambridge. Congratulations Alice, Ben, Gen, Katie and Tee on your great achievement!

Accounted4's Christmas Hoedown

A4 went to the wild west on the 28th November for a fun line dancing murder mystery night! Safe to say the murder mystery had everyone clueless. It was a great night at Cafe Irresistiblue and a brilliant way to celebrate and finally say goodbye to this crazy year we have all had!

Annual Christmas workstation decorating

Every year we love to get into the Christmas spirit every way possible including holding a Christmas decorating competition where we get into groups and compete for the best and most Christmassy workstation. This year the winners took out first place by a long shot!

Thank you to our lovely judges and well done to Louisa, Tee, Chris D, Geoff and Ann-Marie. So much thought and creativity was put into your North Pole workstation!

A4 Christmas lunch

On Friday 18th December we had our Team Christmas lunch and Secret Santa. Thank you to our social club for hosting such a great feast. It is safe to say we are approaching the years end fast and before we know it, we will be back refreshed and ready for the next year ahead.