"Very friendly staff who can easily be approached & who are well versed in the technicalities of taxation, trust and business transactions"


The Trusts Act 2019

The Trusts Act 2019 comes into force this Sunday, 30 January 2021 and it brings significant changes that trustees, settlors and anyone else involved with Trusts need to be aware of.

This is the first time in over 65 years that any changes have been made to NZ’s Trust legislation.

The aim of this reformed Trusts Act is;

• To make Trust law more accessible and clearer to trustees and beneficiaries.
• To set out the core principles of the law relating to trusts.
• To strengthen the ability of beneficiaries to hold trustees to account.

In October 2020 in association with Lewis Lawyers, we hosted a webinar on The Trusts Act 2019.

If you would like to receive a copy of the PowerPoint slides or a recording of the webinar please contact us here

Remember to always involve your lawyer and accountant when considering Resettlements or Restructuring of Assets.